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Searching for hope with Joko Winterscheidt.

Can we find new ways to talk about the climate crisis?

Joko Winterscheidt thinks we can. With the help of friends and experts, he goes on a deep dive into climate change, finding ways to make this anxiety-inducing topic more easily accessible.

Focusing on the important things

In this six-part documentary series, the host isn’t centre stage, and this is reflected in our key visuals. Climate change is the star of the show, and that’s where everyone’s eyes should be.

A poster almost as big as the problem

Our 160-metre-long media banner in Berlin is unmissable. For everyone outside the capital, we created a wide range of (digital) out-of-home and large-format media.


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Reality check

We crafted teasers and trailers which offer a glimpse into the danger, destruction, and hope that define this series. Joko is always right there where the action unfolds.


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Pedalling for the planet

These bespoke LED bikes carried Joko’s message all around the city.

A topic nobody can ignore

Thanks to a campaign that gets everyone thinking about the things that matter most.


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